오늘의 영어공부(10/13/2021) *GMP Posh: 고급진, 상류층의, 우아한, 화려한 1) You are posh enough. 2) You look so posh today. 3) I want to have a posh English accent. shower baby shower / take a shower I turned on the shower. 소반 소반작업중 역시 부족하다 능력이. 만드는 태도에도 작업에 임하는 태도에도 문제가 많다. 반성x반성 오늘의 영어공부(10/12/2021) *GMP be(feel) attached to~ 애착하다. 속하다. 애정을 갖다 1) The sports facility is attached to the hotel. 2) I am attached to the place. 3) I feel attached to her. makeup 화장하다 It doesn't take long to put makeup on. 화장하는데 오래걸리지 않는다. 오늘의 영어공부(10/11/2021) *GMP a full rage of~ 다양한 1) There is a full range of options. 2) There is a full range of colors. 3) There is a full range of workout equipment. comb 빗, 빗다 My friend took out her comb. 오늘의 영어공부(10/07/2021) *GMP in a hurry 급하게, 서둘러 1) I am sorry, but I am in a hurry. 2) I had breakfast in a hurry. 3) He is not in a hurry. snore 코를 골다 I don't snore a lot. 오늘의 영어공부(10/06/2021) *GMP Majestic 웅장한, 거대한 (= Splendid) 1) It's very majestic. 2) It's a majestic structure. 3) There was a majestic castle. alarm The alarm was ringing. 오늘의 영어공부(10/04/2021) *GMP my hat goes off to~ ~에게 경의를 표하다 1) My hat goes off to you. 2) My hat goes off to him. 3) I take my hat off to Mr. Kim Stretch I am stretching my arms. 오늘의 영어공부 (09/30/2021) *GMP get(have) the jitters 초초하다 신경과민이 되다 1) I have got the jitters. 2) I have the caffeine jitters. 3) Do you have the jitters about getting a job interview? snobbish 고상한체 하는 I was recognized by the people known as snobbish 이전 1 ··· 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ··· 87 다음