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Culture & Hobby/study

오늘의 영어공부(08/19/2021)


be maddly in love with~

1) He is maddly in love with her.

2) They are maddly in love each other.

3) She is still maddly in love with sports.


You are way too slow.(fast)



Have you seen Oslo Opera House in Norway?


*pbs newshour

1) palpable 만져서 알 수 있는

2) abruptly 갑자기

3) astound 놀라게하다

4) patchy 누더기

5) lure 매혹

6) intimidation 위협

7) resilient 탄력있는

8) apprise the rule 규칙을 알리다

9) plaintiff 원고

10) discipline 규율

11) geared to time 시간에 맞춰

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